How life Changed after Submitting myself to God.


Dear brother and sister, I greet you in the name of the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I believe you are reading me right now. I’m not making up a story or attempting to deceive myself. I am writing full of conscience and experience to say that my life is transformed, indeed when I accepted Jesus as my Savior.
Praise the Lord, everyone, I am Sablum Pani, born and raised in a Christian family in India. My father is an evangelist, and my mother is a housewife. However, despite being born and brought up in a Christian family, my life has never been good enough to be called a believer or a Christian. As a part of my family, I used to do all the ceremonial activities like other kids from Christian families. I go to church, read the Bible, and memorize bible verses all without realizing what they meant. When I grew up and got admission into higher secondary education, I got into a different social environment, which made me disapprove of the existence of God. I somehow made up my mind about God and the story of creation is an illusion. I was convinced and more inclined toward the scientific explanation of creation. The following were my attitudes and thought processes when I did not accept Jesus as my Lord.
  • I never believed in God and have never been so interested in Him.
  • I misunderstood pastors, fathers, and missionaries.
  • I could not be convinced that Jesus died for my sin.
  • I never understood the word of God.
  • I never had any feelings or regard for God.
  • I have never been obedient and loyal to my parents and brother.
  • I never had good feelings toward others.
  • I’ve never been faithful to myself.
What was I then?
  • I strongly admit I was a liar. (A liar )
  • I used to judge people too negatively. ( A Hypercritic)
  • I used to make everyone happy by deceiving and lying. ( A Deceiver)
  • I used to make fun of people’s vulnerability ( A mocker )
  • I used to spend time watching movies. (A Cinephile)
  • I used to spend time talking over the phone throughout the day and night. ((A gossipmonger)
  • I used to watch porn with my friends. (A immoral young man)
  • Very often I used to abuse my wife (Abuser) after marriage.
  • I used to put all the blame on my parent. (Habitual Blamer)
  • I never had regard for my in-law house.
Rest I would conclude here by saying that I was full of sinful character. It is indeed truth that there was nothing good about me.
What was my personal experience in my sinful life?
Dear readers! Believe me, I am writing the truth here.
  • There was no clear goal in my life.
  • I used to be very confused and discontent all the time.
  • I was unsuccessful.
  • I was not happy with what I was doing.
  • I was very insecure.
  • had never experienced peace.
  • I used to feel proud of my talent but never got success out of it.
  • I’ve never been organized or disciplined.
  • Very frequently, I used to have misunderstandings with my wife.
  • I always had financial problems.
  • I lived life the way I wanted to live.
  • I used to ask my friends and relatives for monetary help for every problem.
  • I was lazy and a daydreamer.
I would say that my life before I knew Christ was priceless, unorganized, and full of ambiguity.
How did Sinful life affect my mental health and family?
I hope you are still reading my testimony. I know this is a lengthy post; however, it’s to glorify God and to encourage you.
My previous lifestyle affected me a lot. I almost lived the life of a hopeless person. I have never had the confidence to run my family. Often, this personal problem used to be the reason for family conflict. My psychosocial situation was not at all healthy. Outside, I pretended to be normal, but I was not. I tried to work hard to earn good money, but it did not yield any results. I used to work at night and go to my regular job in the morning, but unfortunately, it did not turn into money.
I used to feel distressed, burdened, ignorant, isolated, dissatisfied, insecure, and most importantly, unimportant.
I hope you have understood my situation and can relate to it yourself. Now let me share with you the transformation that happened after knowing God and confessing my sin in front of him. I will tell you now how my life changed after submitting myself to God.
When I knew who Jesus is and acknowledged that He alone is my Savior,… I cried and confessed all my wrongs with all my heart. I pleaded with him to forgive me. I confessed all my sins to Him; I couldn’t keep any of them hidden from Him. I become very vulnerable and helpless in front of God. I felt very unworthy. My inner man pleaded,
God, I am not worthy to come before your presence. I am not worthy to seek your grace. Perhaps I am not at all useful to you in any way. And I said, “Lord, remember me if I am worthy,” and I wept for awhile.
After a few days, I started experiencing different changes in my life on a personal level.
  • In my life, my thought process evolved. I realized I am unburdened.
  • My thoughts have become more positive and meaningful than ever before.
  • I now have more faith in Christ than ever before.
  • I realized very clearly that my purpose and meaning in life are to honor God and serve him alone.
  • I felt that peace in my heart, which I had never experienced before.
  • I could manage to be unaffected by negative circumstances.
  • I could hear a voice within telling me to trust in God.
  • My prayer becomes a prayer of both my heart and soul.
  • My prayer turns out to be more meaningful and interactive with God.
  • I started experiencing the presence of God during my prayer.
  • I could get to know God on a more personal level.
  • I feel that my heart and soul kept remembering God while I was asleep.
  • My life has been significantly disciplined.
  • I gained new motivation and enthusiasm for spending more time in prayer.
  • I could understand the word of God, develop a spiritual insight, and feel as if God himself is speaking to me.
  • I am able to forgive others and understand the love of God for me.
  • I feel that God is looking at me; He is around.
  • I fear committing sin, thinking it might upset God.
  • In my heart, I could truly feel kindness, peace, and joy.
  • I am not worrying about tomorrow.
  • I checked and experienced that I do not have bad feelings for others who do not like me.
  • I saw my attitude positively change toward other people, and I will never judge them again.
  • I feel that I am not as anxious about money, wealth, and reputation as I used to be.
  • I see a thirst in my heart to serve God with all that I have.
  • I experience joy and happiness while praying, which is also emotionally releasing and enhancing.
  • I feel very close to God while praying and am very protective.
  • I strongly feel He pays attention to my songs and prayers.
The change I experienced in my Family.
  • I realized each family member of my family is important they need to be changed in Christ.
  • I become more respectable and obedient to my parents.
  • My behavior changed toward my wife and parents.
  • I realized I become a more understanding son and husband.
  • I noticed I keep saying my wife and mother to trust God in every topic of our conversation.
  • I noticed that the conflict between me and my wife significantly reduced.
  • I feel more united as a family than ever before.
  • I feel responsible and pray for my family member which I never did before.
  • My wife accepted Jesus Christ as her savior and was baptized.
  • For every problem, we keep praying to God first.
  • I and my wife starts each day with morning prayer which never had happened before.
  • My relationship with my wife become more meaningful and encouraging.
  • My relationship with my in-Law house has been restored. I am loved and admired by all of them. It is been a wonderful experience.
  • I noticed my two sons have been healthy and having a good time and have never been seriously ill till now.
  • I feel more sensible and responsible, and enjoy the companionship of Christ in my life.
Did I see any blessing in any other area of my life?
Yes of course I did see a great blessing.
  • God has immensely blessed me therefore I could able to pay 4 lakhs 65 thousand debt within 1 year.
  • I and my wife were blessed with a baby boy in May 2022.
  • After two years of gap, my family and my elder brother's family spent time together with our parents.
  • I met two accidents however God rescued me and did not let me injured.
  • My financial situation is improving significantly.
  • My project was getting over by the end of November 2022 in which I was working and I badly needed one job to run my family, believe me, God provided me with a wonderful job in the Government department before my project gets to complete. It is God’s blessing indeed.
  • I would say every day is a blessing for me.
I have no idea how would you react to my post. However, I feel encouraged and humbled to tell my story to you. May God bless you

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