Pray if you feel Isolated.


Oh God, oh God, where are you? I am not feeling well today.

My heart and soul are full of depression and anxiety.

Comfort me with your grace, oh God.

Why do I feel so isolated here?

Why do I have the impression that I am disliked by others?

It matters not if the world does not like me; however, Lord, if you turn your face away from me, it matters to me. It hurts me more than anything.

because I am not in the world by accident. It was you, oh God, who created me,

Oh my God! Oh my God! comfort me and restore my confidence. I know you heard me.

Oh, Lord, I rest on you. I do not feel good, and I only feel comfortable when I talk to you about my discomfort.

You are my hope and comfort. Thank you for being there for me.

I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.


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