Never be discouraged during trials


Ist Peter discusses the difficulties we face in our daily lives. There could be pain that you and I are currently experiencing. "Why is this suffering happening?" we may wonder. What is the point of our trial? According to Peter, the purpose of the trial is to demonstrate our faith (1 Peter 1–7).

Peter encourages us to rejoice in the blessings God keeps in heaven for you and me, which never deteriorate or fade away like other wealth. We need to be happy because we will have it very soon.

As a reward for persevering in faith.

According to Peter, if you keep your faith strong during the trial, God will glorify you on the day Christ is revealed. (Peter 1-7) Peter also encourages us to be obedient to God and not to let worldly desires shape us.

 Holi Living

Another takeaway from my reading of 1 Peter is that we must address God as Father because He judges everyone based on their work. The rest of our time on earth must be spent in adoration of God through holy living.

Progressing Holistic Living

Another takeaway from my reading of 1 Peter is that we must address God as Father because He judges everyone based on their work. The rest of our time on earth must be spent in adoration of God through holy living.


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